Before you share your story..

Myself and my three children. Selfie on a carousel. Sunny day

let me tell you mine..

My name is Leyla and I Mum to 3 humans and 3 dogs. True Yorkshire lass, born in Barnsley and it is the place I still call home. Photography has always been a passion and hobby of mine. As a child I used to love buying disposable cameras and taking photos of family and friends. I was the kid on school trips taking photos of everything. My Grandma and Grandad bought me my first camera and showed me how to use it. The rest as they say is history......

Before you share your story

pebble beach and rocks, rock pool over looking the horizon. clouds forming ahead.
The drinking dinosaur rock formation at Flamborough
Statutes of people playing in the snow. Orange colour sunset behind them
Muddy single track path with puddles reflecting the blue sky and clouds
Portrait shot of an Icelandic Horse. Brown fur with a white patch by the eye
Glacier on diamond beach in Iceland. Black sand and snow. Orange sunrise coming through the clouds
Reflection of glaciers on the still water. Water is dark and the white snow adds contrast
Newborn baby photography baby posed and asleep